Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Searching for Circa 1970 Encyclopedia

I am looking for the same encyclopedia. Important characteristics: relatively small size, white-cream color with green spine, classic novel book summaries in back, and I believe the volumes were not strictly by one letter per volume but overlapped.  For example, volume 1 might be, for example, Aardvark to Ant, and then volume 2 might be Anteater to Bolivia, etc,

This is something from, say, the mid 60s to early 70s.  It may have been sold in supermarkets, it may have been associated with Readers Digest, not sure.

At one point, I thought it may have been the Student's Merit - but it is not.  Currently, I'm looking at Funk and Wagnalls and American People's - but I'm skeptical, since I cannot find any description noting the book summaries and online pictures of volumes for sale do not clearly show the color scheme (although that may differ from year/edition).

Any suggestions please leave a comment and pass this around. Let's try and solve this mystery first brought up in the link above.